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Conquiz Tournaments Q2-2024

From IECO - International Eurofan's Countries Organisation
Conquiz Tournaments Q2-24
Final6 April 2024
Executive supervisor Denis Nikitin
Executive producer Denis Nikitin
Number of entries5
Returning Countries Japan
Non-returning Countries Australia
Participation map
Winning song Denmark
Q1-24Conquiz Tournaments Q2-24Q3-24

The Conquiz Tournaments Quarter 2 - 2024 - was the 5th edition of the Conquiz Tournaments that has been ever made and was held on 6 April 2024.

The tournament was attended by 5 countries. Japan returning after their absence from the previous edition. Last season's competitors Australia, Italy, Lebanon the Netherlands and Spain did not participate. Denmark won the competition, with Germany and Vietnam also in the top three.

The Game

The "Dixit" on the ххх platform was chosen as the game of this season.


A game of Dixit in progress. Six cards have been dealt out and voted on, and the storyteller is indicating which story belonged to them. To the right, scores are tracked by rabbit-shaped tokens on a scoring track.

Each participant is dealt 6 cards with pictures. Each one takes turns being the leading player. The task of the leading player is to choose one of the cards from his hand and give it a description that is suitable for the card, but not very obvious. The other players must choose from their cards a card that is more suitable for the description, after which all the cards are placed in the center and shuffled. Each of the players (except the leading player) must guess the leading player's card.

Points are awarded as follows: if all players guess or do not guess the leading player's card, then everyone gets 2 points, except the leading player; if at least one did not guess the leading player's card, but there is at least one who guessed, then the leading player and the players who guessed his card get 3 points each, and the rest get nothing. Also, each player additionally gets 1 point for each other player who voted for his card.

The game continues until one of the players is the first to score 40 points.


Five countries have confirmed their participation in the third season - Denmark, Germany, Israel, Japan and Vietnam. Australia, Italy, Lebanon, the Netherlands and Spain withdrew from competition. The competition was originally planned to have two semi-finals involving Australia, Lebanon, Norway, San Marino and the United Kingdom, however, the participants from these countries did not confirm their participation on the day of the competition for various reasons, which led to the cancellation of the two semi-finals and the merging of the remaining participants into one final.

# Country Participation Color Points Place
1 Germany Green 35 2
2 Denmark Purple 49 1
3 Israel Orange 29 4
4 Japan Black 29 5
5 Vietnam Red 34 3
