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The Rest Of The World

From IECO - International Eurofan's Countries Organisation

The Rest of the World (ROW) in the WorldVision competition is used as independent five experts to vote, which make up an additional points slot. The organizers of the competition themselves form the composition of the ROW for each season.


The use of five independent voters under the ROW sign in voting began with the Q1-2023 contest. The final points from the ROI were formed from the average value from all the full tops of each of the five ROW participants.

Members of the ROW

Number Country Seasons
5 Australia Q1-2023, Q2-2023, Q3-2023, Q1-2024, Q2-2024
4 Russia Q1-2023, Q2-2023, Q1-2024, Q2-2024
3 Colombia Q1-2023, Q2-2023, Q3-2023
3 France Q2-2023, Q3-2023, Q1-2024
2 Netherlands Q1-2023, Q3-2023
2 India Q2-2023, Q3-2023
2 United States Q4-2023, Q1-2024
1 Austria Q1-2023
1 Azerbaijan Q4-2023
1 Brazil Q4-2023
1 United Kingdom Q4-2023
1 Sudan Q4-2023
1 Zimbabwe Q1-2024
1 Egypt Q2-2024
1 Germany Q2-2024
1 Belize Q2-2024
